CBSE 10th Admit Card 2016 Download CBSE Board Class 10th exam Hall Ticket 2016
CBSE 10th Admit Card 2016: The Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) is every year conducting the examination for 10th board students in March month. Students those who studying in SSLC must download the CBSE 10th Hall ticket 2016. The CBSE has released the examination time table for upcoming annual final examination. Students are starts preparing for the CBSE board exams. Before the examination started students are required to get the CBSE hall ticket 2016. There is no candidates will not be allowed to attend the examination while they don't bring the admit card.
CBSE Class X Admit Card 2016-Download Now:
The CBSE 10th class hall ticket have the details about Name of the candidates, examination center, register number of candidate, number of subjects, subject code etc. Our team are working very hard to provide the correct information about CBSE examination. All private candidates, regular candidates can download the CBSE Admit card 2016-16
Board: Central Board Secondary Education
Class: 10th Standard
Year: 2016
Content: Hall Ticket/ Admit Card
How to get CBSE Xth Hall Ticket 2016:
- Students can get the exam hall ticket from the respective schools from principle.
- You can also get the CBSE official site.
- Most of the students has get the admit card through there schools itself.