JNTUK Results 2016 Nov Dec B.Tech M.Tech B.Pharm MBA MCA Degree Exam Result 2016 jntuk.edu.in
JNTUK Results 2016 Nov/Dec: JNTUK University, Andhra Pradesh is going to announce the results for the students who appeared in the semester examination which was conducted in the month of November / December 2016. Students who studying in the 1st year, 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year were finished their Odd semester exams in the UG/PG degree courses and the result will be expected to declare in the month of January 2016.
JNTUK Degree Results 2016 will be available soon for all regulations (r05/ r06/ r07/ r09/ r10/ r11/ r12/ r13) for semesters such as 1st sem (1-1). 3rd sem (2-1), 5th sem (3-1), 7th semester (4-1). Students can see their JNTU Kakinada Results 2016 through official website of The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK) and our examgrade.in website.
The University is working hard to release the JNTUK Results 2016 as soon as possible and the paper valuation process is almost end now. When all the formalities regarding the results are over, The JNTU Kakinada will declare the result through its official portal web page.
Students who appeared in the supply exam can also see the JNTUK Supplementary Results 2016 along with the regular exam result. Students who got arrear can apply for the re challenge/re totaling before the given last date and the JNTU Kakinada Revaluation Results 2016 will be announced later.
We will update about the JNTUK Result Nov/Dec 2016 shortly, Interested students are advised to visit our page directly or like our Facebook page for new information. You can check your result by clicking the link given below.
Name of the Univerity: The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada (JNTUK).
Location: Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh.
Content Found: JNTUK Results 2016 November December.
Year: First Year, Second Year Third Year, Fourth Year.
Semester: Odd Semester (1-1, 2-1, 3-1, 4-1)
Courses Offered: B Tech, M Tech, B Pharmacy, MBA, MCA.
Result Link: JNTU Kakinada Results 2016
you may also check: JNTUK Revaluation Results Nov Dec 2016
NOTE: Students should see their JNTUK Exam Results 2016 only by entering the individual Hall Ticket number in the result declaration page.